Lending | Tutorial and Guides
The Platform for Everything DeFi on Aptos
Last updated
The Platform for Everything DeFi on Aptos
Last updated
Users can lend assets to different protocols available for this strategy on vibrantx.finance
Step 1: Connect your Aptos Wallet to VibrantX: https://vibrantx.finance/
Step 2: On the header bar, click on "Earn" and continue with "Lending"
Step 3: Select and Click on the "Supply" button
You can click on View All to see all available assets and protocols.
You can click on the blank space on each option for the position dashboard.
The Position's dashboard - providing actions in details, Supply Info, Totoal Valued Locked of the asset and more
Step 4: Fill in the amount of assets and click the button "Supply" to proceed with the lending transaction
Step 5: Confirm the transaction details on your wallet to complete the transaction
Step 6: You can keep track of your lending position on our Portfolio Management Tab https://vibrantx.finance/portfolio
You can withdraw directly by clicking on the Withdraw button on the Portfolio Tab or clicking on the Position dashboard
Step 1: Click on Withdraw
Step 2: Confirm the withdrawal transaction info
Step 3: Sign the transaction & Complete the withdrawal transaction
You can directly claim the position's reward anytime on the position dashboard
If you wish to withdraw, the unclaimed amount of reward will be automatically accrued into your withdrawal amount.